Also known as PCBs, as Bifenilas Policloradas (PCBs) are synthetic aromatic organic compounds manufactured since the decade of 1930, although, as a result of accidents
with serious consequences for the environment and human health, No brazil, in 1981, the Ordinance
Interministerial 019 banned the import, manufacture and sale of PCBs and new
equipment containing Ascarel throughout the national territory, but it allowed equipment that was already in operation to continue in use, and that they were filled with another insulating liquid.

With accession to the Stockholm Convention, Brazil approved its text through Legislative Decree n°204, from 7 from May of 2004, and promulgated it by Federal Decree No. 5.472, June 2005. In this way, the country aligned itself with the international commitment to eliminate the use of PCBs until 2025 throughout the national territory and promoting its complete destruction until 2028. He must, therefore, stick to the guidelines of the Convention.

São Lourenço Ambiental is a company specialized in managing Ascarel waste.

Through highly qualified labor, we offer management service
of equipment with PCBs and all its logistics that include:

  • Handling;
  • PCB oil drainage and conditioning;
  • Removal of transformers, electrical switches and capacitors;
  • Chromatographic analysis for PCB quantification;
  • Issuance of report, diagnosis and recommendations;
  • Final disposal of PCB oil, transformers, capacitors and other PCB-contaminated waste;
  • Decontamination of dielectric oils contaminated with PCB's;
  • Remediation of soil contaminated by leaks.
  • Regeneration of PCB's contaminated dielectric oils;
  • Reclassification of Transformers contaminated with low concentration of PCB's;
  • Recycling of contaminated oils with low concentration of PCB's;
  • Consultancy on PCB waste management.